Friday, January 3, 2014

2014 #oneword : Believe

When thinking about what #oneword I wanted to use to theme 2014, I could think of many different options. One word truly stuck out to me as the foundation of each option: Believe. I had a professor in grad school that basically slammed in our brains that you do not think about things, you believe in them. Belief promotes confidence, passion, trust, honesty, and connection to others (and higher beings).

Here is how I would like to approach the #oneword this year: I would like to set a list of things that I wish to believe in, and check back with myself once a month to reflect on progress. So here is what I would like to believe in:

-The Power of Prayer

Myself: This boils down to confidence. I had someone tell me in early 2013 that I had a true sense of confidence about me that had really come from nowhere and was viewed as a positive quality. As I ended 2013, I felt less confidence in myself as I entered the workforce and as a result was more stressed and tense in many aspects of life. My approach to 2014 is simple, to have confidence in my opinions and to be as confident to fight for what I believe in at work than in my personal life. Not a cocky attitude, but one that exudes respect and belief in my judgement.

Love: Relationships are hard. Near, far, new, old - doesn't matter. Love is the root of all happiness for me and I would like to continue to push myself to remember that when times get trying and frustrating, that loving something or someone will make things right. And that's unconditional love - good, bad, and ugly. You take someone for all that they are, not just what you like about them.

Others: This is mainly trust. I believe that all are good (unless proven otherwise), but I would like to remind myself that even if the bad comes out in someone that good still exists - it just needs to be coaxed out.

The Power of Prayer: I've never had a deep religious background, but have really been connecting with prayer lately. Praying for relief of trying times in my life, praying for the well-being of others. I've noticed such a difference in myself that it's something that I would like to continue to do and reflect on. One instance stands out this year where I prayed one night and an answer came to me out of nowhere the next morning. It probably saved my job.

Not that anyone reads this, but that's my two cents. Thanks for playing.

Monday, October 7, 2013

New years resolutions

As I think about life goals, I remembered that I had a rather large but small goal to take one picture a day for 365 days. I made it almost two months, which would be approximately 60 pictures. Then time got away from me, or life got in the way, or really - I just got lazy and unmotivated. 

Life got in the way or Time got in the way is a poor excuse for not taking the 10 seconds out of my day to take a picture. Sure, I included a little blurb to make the reflection piece more meaningful, but if we do not have the time to reflect in life than we are far too busy for our own good. 

Though I am disappointed, I made it farther than I thought. I also realize that in this moment. I still have time to continue and make it to the finish line. My goal was to complete 365 days, making my finish line December 31st. All I know is that I was most happy when I was taking time to enjoy the little things and reflect what was going on around me.

I may not finish first. Hell, I know I won't reach my full goal. All I know is that right now, not giving up and throwing in the towel is more important to me. I need to take more time out of life to focus on something other than work. 

So here goes nothing, hopefully I can finish the race - even if I'm not finishing first. 

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

To know me as hardly golden, is to know me all wrong

2.3.13 - my second plate of superbowl deliciousness. The superbowl is a lot like Thanksgiving for me - I only watch it for the food. Great friends, great food. Can't beat it :)

2.4.13 This is a photo of an advertisement for RA selection that I was in last year. I made the wall at BWU and will be featured in the office of ResLife for Life :) Honored and privileged to have worked here for the past two years!

Time to play catch up...

 Wednesday, 1/30 - Look at that traffic on the way to class. Thankfully it only lasted for about a quarter of a mile!
 Thursday, 1/31 - Duty Free is not just a shop you enter coming in from the borders. It's a state of mind. (Saturday morning, I had been on for 3 days straight and didn't get a single call except for check ins...can I get a hell yeah?)
 Friday, 2.1 This pizza I get EVERY friday and most Tuesdays. It is single handedly the best thing on BW's menu. Probably because I get to choose what the toppings are and I make it healthy and the same way every time: Marinara sauce mixed with pesto, spinach, broccoli, tomato, and feta cheese.
Saturday, 2.2 Probably one of the most memorable experiences of my life. Took some students to see the Cavs play the Oklahoma City Thunder. My first pro-basketball experience was filled with AMAZING 3 point shots, an awesome slam dunk, a puppy show at halftime, AND a win for the Cavs 115/110. Needless to say I want to go to another sometime REAL soon. To think I get PAID to do this is just mind blowing :)

Only gonna get give what you give away, so give love

Heart shaped, red velvet, crinkle cookies. Just in time for my pre-Valentine's day visit. Sent off and ready to be eaten this weekend :)

So excited and I do believe that I can't hide it!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Why don't you get a job?

This is the first email correspondence with potential employers saying that my application is being reviewed. This made me SO excited today because it's some place I could really see myself working - UNC Chapel Hill.

Let the games begin!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Everybody's working for the weekend

I am a BIG fan of to do lists. I find that writing things down helps me to remember to do things. I also love the feeling that I get when I cross something off a to-do list. This is stuff that I am supposed to do tomorrow. I KNOW that not all of it will be done tomorrow, and not all of it is a dire emergency.

Also, most of my to-do lists are never ending...I always seem to be adding more to them. But that's the fun of it, goal setting, planning - I definitely get a thrill from it. Makes me feel accomplished.