Monday, January 7, 2013

Motivation station?

Today, I facilitated a goal setting activity that focused a lot on values in the work place. This was not in my top list of words for my own personal rankings, but the word motivation truly struck a chord.

I am entering into the last semester of graduate school, and this will likely be my last semester for quite some time (if not ever). Motivation has seemed to be lacking for me these past few weeks, because I've been on vacation and in an effort to truly make it a vacation - I haven't done ANY work. Now, although that sounds good in theory, once I stop working it's hard for me to pick it back up and run full swing. I have been a senior twice before, once in high school and the second during my undergrad. Not once have I ever lost steam during those periods, in fact I usually pick up the past at this time.

Today's activity really made me reflect on how I will end my tenure here. At first, I thought I would catch the "itis" I'm not so sure. I think all I need is a regular routine and I'll be back to where I was before.

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