Monday, October 7, 2013

New years resolutions

As I think about life goals, I remembered that I had a rather large but small goal to take one picture a day for 365 days. I made it almost two months, which would be approximately 60 pictures. Then time got away from me, or life got in the way, or really - I just got lazy and unmotivated. 

Life got in the way or Time got in the way is a poor excuse for not taking the 10 seconds out of my day to take a picture. Sure, I included a little blurb to make the reflection piece more meaningful, but if we do not have the time to reflect in life than we are far too busy for our own good. 

Though I am disappointed, I made it farther than I thought. I also realize that in this moment. I still have time to continue and make it to the finish line. My goal was to complete 365 days, making my finish line December 31st. All I know is that I was most happy when I was taking time to enjoy the little things and reflect what was going on around me.

I may not finish first. Hell, I know I won't reach my full goal. All I know is that right now, not giving up and throwing in the towel is more important to me. I need to take more time out of life to focus on something other than work. 

So here goes nothing, hopefully I can finish the race - even if I'm not finishing first. 

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

To know me as hardly golden, is to know me all wrong

2.3.13 - my second plate of superbowl deliciousness. The superbowl is a lot like Thanksgiving for me - I only watch it for the food. Great friends, great food. Can't beat it :)

2.4.13 This is a photo of an advertisement for RA selection that I was in last year. I made the wall at BWU and will be featured in the office of ResLife for Life :) Honored and privileged to have worked here for the past two years!

Time to play catch up...

 Wednesday, 1/30 - Look at that traffic on the way to class. Thankfully it only lasted for about a quarter of a mile!
 Thursday, 1/31 - Duty Free is not just a shop you enter coming in from the borders. It's a state of mind. (Saturday morning, I had been on for 3 days straight and didn't get a single call except for check ins...can I get a hell yeah?)
 Friday, 2.1 This pizza I get EVERY friday and most Tuesdays. It is single handedly the best thing on BW's menu. Probably because I get to choose what the toppings are and I make it healthy and the same way every time: Marinara sauce mixed with pesto, spinach, broccoli, tomato, and feta cheese.
Saturday, 2.2 Probably one of the most memorable experiences of my life. Took some students to see the Cavs play the Oklahoma City Thunder. My first pro-basketball experience was filled with AMAZING 3 point shots, an awesome slam dunk, a puppy show at halftime, AND a win for the Cavs 115/110. Needless to say I want to go to another sometime REAL soon. To think I get PAID to do this is just mind blowing :)

Only gonna get give what you give away, so give love

Heart shaped, red velvet, crinkle cookies. Just in time for my pre-Valentine's day visit. Sent off and ready to be eaten this weekend :)

So excited and I do believe that I can't hide it!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Why don't you get a job?

This is the first email correspondence with potential employers saying that my application is being reviewed. This made me SO excited today because it's some place I could really see myself working - UNC Chapel Hill.

Let the games begin!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Everybody's working for the weekend

I am a BIG fan of to do lists. I find that writing things down helps me to remember to do things. I also love the feeling that I get when I cross something off a to-do list. This is stuff that I am supposed to do tomorrow. I KNOW that not all of it will be done tomorrow, and not all of it is a dire emergency.

Also, most of my to-do lists are never ending...I always seem to be adding more to them. But that's the fun of it, goal setting, planning - I definitely get a thrill from it. Makes me feel accomplished.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

 I like baking, cupcakes specifically. I make people insanely jealous that live in my hallway whenever I make anything that smells good. This is a cookies & cream gigantic cupcake that is for a birthday tomorrow :)

Act of kindness for the day: sharing my AAA membership with a friend who needed a tow. You're welcome!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

do do do do do do-do do, do do do do do do-do do I missed a day somewhere AND I'm behind, so doubling up on the next two days.

These are pictures from the #NEOHO13 RA conference. I am a nerd when it comes to these events and absolutely love them. The top picture is some of the girls on my staff and the bottom is of a session called minute to win it with an RA that I know from another campus. 

Although NEOHO has done a good job at filling it's spot. Nothing will compare to the Brockport RA conference. It is so well organized and the sessions are nothing but the strongest of quality. In the 6 that I have been to I have only NOT presented at one conference. (RA conferences, that is)

Hoping I have access to these at my next place of employment...if not, I'm making one!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Many will enter...few will win

Today...marks one of few days...I have accomplished something that many often attempt - but few are ever able to achieve. I pumped an EVEN amount of gas.

Seems insignificant...but hey - it's the little things :)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Brrr, its cold in here, there must be some torros in the atmosphere

This is a picture of the frozen tundra that is -10 degrees in Cleveland, Ohio. I like snow, and I believe it is easier to warm yourself up than to cool yourself down - so I don't mind it THAT much. But I'll tell you - my poor car! It feels like its a struggling in the cold weather. I like the winter, I like snow - but man is it cold. This was also the first time I hung out socially with some friends in Kent that offered to host as a hotel for the evening so that I wouldn't risk getting stuck in Cleveland and not be able to make it to class the next morning :)

Monday, January 21, 2013

And I ran...I ran so far away...

Today, I began my second run (pun intended) at attempting the couch to 5k program. I completed it in the fall in an effort to prepare for my first 5k. I am not preparing for anything this time, other than trying to become better than I was before. By the end of 8 weeks, I ended up only halfway to where I should have been at the end of the program. I was running a full 15 minutes at a time, but that was as far as I got. You should be able to run for 30 full minutes of the program.

I've never been good at running and ran my first full mile in the fall. Here's to hoping I can get through all the side stitches enough to make it to the ultimate end goal.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

I'm a slacker: 1/17/13-1/20/13

You'll notice a theme through most of these...that wasn't intentional as I took the pictures each day - I just haven't posted in a few days. 

So this twix bar really stuck out to me, because of my inner dialogue at the vending machine. The vending machine's here often don't have the candy that I would REALLY want...but I needed a chocolate fix. So I walk up and think, alright a Reese's will do. Then, of course after I had already pushed the button, I notice the twix and think - MAN that sounds good right now. So I hit that button too (I was paying with university meal plan) and thought - you're welcome to whoever finds the reeses peanut butter cups.

The twix takes me back to an old commercial and running joke with some friends from undergrad. There is a commercial where anytime a man is about to say something stupid - it tells them to bite into a twix so that they may think about what they're saying before they say it. I went on a trip with some friends (two of which were male) and we brought a bag of fun sized twix for them...and they needed it so much it became more of a reward for bad behavior...

Thank you cards have a special meaning for me. I don't typically like receiving them, but I love to give them out. I feel like gratitude so often is taken for granted that I value any chance that I can to tell someone what they mean to me and why (at least in written form). I picked this card today because I had just ended a book called "A Simple Act of Gratitude". It was a true story about a man whose life was crashing down, but in the heat of it all began a mission to write one thank you note per day for one year. Even though he it took him far more than a year to complete the task, his life changed because of what happened. It was such an inspiring story and one that I will surely never forget.

This is a pressed penny from Niagara Falls. I collect these and they have a special meaning to me because of the adventures that go along with finding each and every one. I did not personally get this one, which is why it is listed today. One of my RA's went on a road trip, saw the machine, and was so excited to give it to me. Although I prefer going out and finding these myself - I very much appreciate the gesture. It mean's I'm doing something right as a supervisor.

This is a picture of the interior of the United Methodist Church in Berea. Today it held an event called "Songfest" where the gospel choir for BW was singing in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King. One of my staff members asked me to go, as she was performing. She had a solo and - the girl has some pipes for sure. The music was absolutely fantastic and it was so enlightening to see the impact of things that have happened almost 50 years ago still in effect today.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Help...I need somebody...Help...Not just anybody

This, friends, is the on call phone. I respond to crisis minimum of once a week and one weekend per month. I'm pretty sure my supervisors are ready to relinquish this from my job description. Beginning this fall - EVERYTHING happens once I touch this handy little electronic device. When ALL of your superiors cringe if they have to rotate with you and argue over who gets to draw the short straw - you've got issues. Even the residents know. I used to have good luck with this, but apparently not anymore. This would definitely probably define my day. First true day back on duty for the spring semester and the outlook is looking bleak....

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing

I wish this photo had come out better. This is a picture of a beautiful scene just outside the student center at Kent State University. I took this photo while driving (I mean, while stopped at a stoplight!), on my way to the first class of my last semester as a graduate student. I was so amazed at the beauty that the night brings this campus (at least looks wise, my apologies for my friends who serve on an on call rotation).

I thought about all of the experiences that this place has given me. I thought about how much of a gut instinct it was that this was the place for me. Although I don't actually spend a great deal of time on the campus, I have learned so much and have been given so many opportunities that I could not be more grateful for. I couldn't imagine what my life would be like otherwise, and am excited and saddened to being my journey to the finish line!

Monday, January 14, 2013

No catchy title today

I'm not really sure that I've ever truly been as congested as I was today. It was what seemed to be a never ending experience. One that I certainly don't enjoy. I just got over one cold about two weeks ago, only to find myself with another one less than 5 days later. Luckily, this stuff has been my saving grace - even if it's taken two doses to kick in. Patience is sure a virtue. Hoping to wake up and start the day tomorrow off well - that way I can get some work done!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

A stitch in time saves nine

Cross stitching is something that I've enjoyed doing quite some time. My grandmother taught me how to do this years ago and I've picked the hobby back up again in more recent years. This is a picture of a piece that I started today. This is my first time without using a pre-packaged design. I found a website that takes photos and makes a pattern out of them. This, for those of you that know where I work, is a picture of my employer's mascot. I am making it as a gift for one of my supervisors who has been a great resource of support for me these past two years. I haven't done anything for her yet, so I figured I would make anything that I did count.

Here's to hoping it turns out great :)

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Damnit, I missed one...

Well, I forgot yesterday's photo and today requires two to make up for it!

I've been told I'm pretty good in the kitchen. Above is one of my specialties - cinnamon roll pancakes. I like to think of breakfast as nothing more than dessert served in the morning. Dessert is also another one of my specialties. This one was made with my staff for dinner and it was great to teach them something new, but to make them something that they truly enjoyed.

This is a picture of the progress my flowers from two days ago are making. This picture to me captures growth at it's finest and truly depicts how beautiful it can be. I think having an appreciation for growth is why I like the education field so much. It doesn't only contribute to my own growth - but I like to assist the growth of others as well. At the end of my last RA training at BW - I can honestly say that I feel like I have done that. 

Thursday, January 10, 2013

I can't think of anything clever today

A picture of beautiful from flowers. From someone incredibly important to me. It's funny how you can picture something for years, only to think you'll never get it. Then one day, life just happens without even trying. Can't wait to see these in full bloom!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Happiness is like peeing on yourself, everyone can see it but only you can feel its warmth

Along with my project 365, I started a 5 year long daily one sentence journal. The journal is a product by an author who wrote the book "The Happiness Project". The author spent a year of her life researching theories behind happiness and trying to implement these theories in her life through making small changes. The difference wasn't enormous, but she could feel a change.

This fall was quite rough, and I could feel myself becoming very unhappy. My new years resolutions were intended to change that. Although life has taken it upon itself to change it prior to me beginning any new years resolutions. I can feel the impact thus far. I'm lighter hearted again, I am more cheerful in interactions. My patience and anxiety has diminished. Small changes, are always worth it.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The way to a man's heart isn't through his's a little further south

Not so secret secret of the year: I like to bake. Baking has helped me establish many relationships by getting to know the tastes of others and brings up many conversational topics.

I made this batch for a reason. They're being sent off in the mail in the morning, and I can't wait to hear the reaction when they are received. Hopefully the bread helps keep them soft!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Motivation station?

Today, I facilitated a goal setting activity that focused a lot on values in the work place. This was not in my top list of words for my own personal rankings, but the word motivation truly struck a chord.

I am entering into the last semester of graduate school, and this will likely be my last semester for quite some time (if not ever). Motivation has seemed to be lacking for me these past few weeks, because I've been on vacation and in an effort to truly make it a vacation - I haven't done ANY work. Now, although that sounds good in theory, once I stop working it's hard for me to pick it back up and run full swing. I have been a senior twice before, once in high school and the second during my undergrad. Not once have I ever lost steam during those periods, in fact I usually pick up the past at this time.

Today's activity really made me reflect on how I will end my tenure here. At first, I thought I would catch the "itis" I'm not so sure. I think all I need is a regular routine and I'll be back to where I was before.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Show me the booty

Today, I played a game of munchkin with some co-workers. This has easily been a connecting force at my time here at BW. Over the course of a year and a half, this game has brought closer to some great people and has expanded my view repertoire of board games (and eliminated any stereotype I have of "nerdy" card games). I took this game with me to a job that I had over the summer where one student knew how to play so we taught another.

I like board games because they bring people together. When the power outage from hurricane sandy hit, that's all we did. Games like this require you to use logic and invite friendly competition. Although we did not play the booty version today, this is the version that I own and will use to bring others together for years to come.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

I'd give up chocolate, but I'm no quitter...

Today's photo is of the quote on one of many dove chocolate wrappers I opened today. It's nice to enjoy a treat, such as chocolate, that has an inspirational quote on the wrapper. I chose to take a photo of this because a)I love chocolate...and b)I liked the quote.

We all have our own different definitions of what it means to be mischievous...I'd say I've tried to include some mischief in my life more recently - although given my own personal definition, anyone other than myself probably wouldn't call it that. I believe mischief to be an act of doing anything that causes exhilaration. Many believe these acts need to be destructive in order to be considered "mischief". Much like this quote insinuates, I firmly believe that mischief can be just about anything - and that it does not have to be a destructive act.

Friday, January 4, 2013

And just like the movie, we play out our last scene

I am notorious for having never seen some pretty critically acclaimed films. At least, that was up until 4 months ago. After my co-workers became sick of my antics, they decided to make a list of their top 5 movies - a list to which I agreed to watch that I had not seen prior to exiting my position in May. Out of 12 people, and 60 possible movies...I had not seen 40...

It's now 4 months later and I have watched about half. I am very quickly approaching my goal and will likely finish long before May gets here. The most exciting part of this for me is that although I do not necessarily like all of the films people have recommended, I have learned more about them as individuals than anyone could guess. You can tell a lot about a person based upon what type of films they enjoy. From the pace of the film, to the extent of the plot, to even the decade the film was produced. From old westerns, to 90's classics - the spectrum is endless.

Others have also taken me up on offers of completing challenges and are making lists of their own. I cannot wait to begin to get to know those people better as well!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Not my gumdrop buttons!

Today's photo is a craft that I have been working on. Each semester, I have to make door decorations for my student staff. Upon being reminded that I need to do this by a twitter post, I was stumped for ideas. At this point in time, I was still home for break and was in the process of organizing/donating/packing things that I still have left at my parents house. I looked over and found a jar of buttons that I had purchased from one of my aunt's at a family garage sale years ago. I had never done anything with them and had no better ideas, so I figured I would create some button art and spell out the first initial of each staff members names. This photo is my favorite one by far.

It takes me back to last spring when I had a student very forwardly tell me that if I was to ever be successful in my profession that I needed to add a personal touch, and very clearly indicated that they felt I did not do that. I resisted any urge to defend myself and simply stated, "if that's what you truly think, then you do not know me at all." I feel as if I have been working diligently since that very day to prove them wrong. This photo reflects that effort.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Na Na Na Na Na...Inspector Gadget

What on earth could a rolled up piece of paper on a place mat have to do with my photograph of the day? That, friends, is the ticket I got for driving an uninspected vehicle in the state of NY. Received a mere 2 days after my previous inspection expired.

Now, I did not post on this to complain, but Rather because how I reacted to this taught me a lot about myself as a person. I had a woman cop, which was my first problem. I probably could have talked my way into a warning if I had had a male. I even had a legitimate story. I haven't truly lived in NY for the past year and a half and have only even been in the state a mere 20 days since I've been to grad school. It makes no sense for me to pay for an inspection when I live in a state that doesn't even know what that means. I like the fact that it ensures my car is safe, but I do the required routine maintenance and am a pretty good judge of when things are going wrong.

The cop told me what was wrong, asked for my license and registration, and walked away. There was no way I could have plead, she wasn't going to listen to it. When she returned with the ticket, she explained how to turn it in and told me to drive safely. Didn't even tell me to get my car inspected (I thought that was amusing). What amazed me was that at first I was mad that I had to pay, even though I was completely at fault, because I had a fair excuse. But I thought about it from my own point of view as a resident director. I spend many nights trying to teach young adults responsibility. Many plead cases, that I will listen to, but always end  the same way..."I understand what you are saying, but I do not hold any weight in the decision making process regarding outcomes for your actions". This woman was doing her job, very clear cut. I was in the wrong, and there was no denying that. I respected that. Rather than get angry I wasn't given the chance to plea my case, I completed understood the desire to do your job and do it well. The fact that she even noticed the color of my sticker is far more than my eye could probably catch.

So while yes, I can begin the new year with paying NY state $150 in a fine for my violation (thankfully that will not put points on my license), I begin with a positive attitude. Everybody's got their role to play and people who do their job well shouldn't be looked at with haste anytime something doesn't go your way.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Spaghetti...with a chance of meatballs

I begin this project 365 kicking off 2013 with a photo of a long time family tradition, a spaghetti dinner on New Years Day. The tradition started a long time ago with my grandmother and grandfather (who is no longer with us). They would go out and participate in New Years Eve festivities that led to several stories that my mother, aunts, and uncles have since told me...including one about a spinning silver Christmas tree and my grandmother sprawled out on a bed. On New Years Day, my grandmother would often awake in a hungover state and always cooked pasta as a remedy.

Though my grandmother's days of living the night life on New Years Eve are long gone (she usually can't stay awake long enough to watch the ball drop at midnight), for as long as I can remember I have been eating spaghetti and meatballs at her house with family. Even the past few years when I haven't been able to attend due to work, I always find a way to get this meal to begin the new year.

I always look forward to the holidays with family, as I never know when it will be the last with my grandmother. This years new years held a record attendance of close to 30 people, which led to my grandmother throwing a fit every time someone didn't sit down while eating (which was most of the time). Christmas Eve is usually between 50 and grandparents didn't have cable...they threw a party the year my grandmother didn't get pregnant.

As I begin 2013, I see all of the potential it has to offer. I cannot wait for the day that I can begin traditions of my own. Although I will likely start some that are new, I will always begin every year eating a plate of spaghetti and meatballs.